Incidents & Complaints
Continous improvement with Incidents & Complaints.
Handles reports for incidents, complaints and suggestions.
Every single incident or complaint undergoes a certain procedure, from the moment it’s registered and until its processing is completed.
You are able to break down and estimate the cost of processing the incident, and if the company’s subscription includes other modules, you can link the incident to relevant quality documents or risk assessments.


Adaptable web-forms
All registrations forms are hand-made by you. No extra cost for special programming

Inbuilt work-process
Step by step process for handling incidents registrations were each can be risk classified for preventing procedures. Issue can be delegated to several resolvers.

Connected to several modules
Við skráningu tekur við stafrænt ferli þar
In the lead to work towards continuous improvement incident module is connected to published document and audit.
Registration forms
The system provides several online web form where customers and employees can submit incidents and complaints.
The structure and design of the forms can be modified, and companies can easily link to the form on their website or private network.
Online submissions are reviewed and validated before they‘re formally registered in the system and their processing starts.

Handling registrations
In the admin part of Incidents & Complains registration is handled. System provides you a step by step process where you can analyze root cause and operate corrective and preventive actions.
Each registration can be categorized risk with further information of what to do with specific risk level. Registrations can be connected to published documentation and risk assessment which may be an important lead to continuous improvement.
If no further action than registration is required, registration can be closed once it has been registered.
Access control is simply to adopt preventive confidentiality.
Registration forms
The system provides several online web form where customers and employees can submit incidents and complaints.
The structure and design of the forms can be modified, and companies can easily link to the form on their website or private network.
Online submissions are reviewed and validated before they‘re formally registered in the system and their processing starts.

Handling registrations
In the admin part of Incidents & Complains registration is handled. System provides you a step by step process where you can analyze root cause and operate corrective and preventive actions.
Each registration can be categorized risk with further information of what to do with specific risk level. Registrations can be connected to published documentation and risk assessment which may be an important lead to continuous improvement.
If no further action than registration is required, registration can be closed once it has been registered.
Access control is simply to adopt preventive confidentiality.