What’s new in CCQ?
Welcome to CCQ status page. If you find any isses using our system, please contact us through support@ccq.cloud
Here below you can see service status for each of the CCQ modules, and if you click on a name you will find more detailed statistics for that module. For CCQ releases, Validation reports, Incidents Reports and our Development schedule, scroll further down.
We are always working towards continous improvement so please feel free to send us change suggestions and ideas for improvements.
Date | Issue | status | Expected in release
15.04.2024 User with read access can not open pdf attachments – In progress
Users with read access have problems to open attachments in Quality Manual published document. We are working on a fix and will be deployed as soon as possible.
25032024: SOLVED
We apologies for inconvenience. Emails should be working again. There was a mistake in DNS record for url5539.ccq.cloud which point to sendgrid.com instead sendgrid.net. All “broken” links should work again. It might take some time to propagate changes and some browsers could keep cache longer.
We recently moved the DNS for CCQ, and we have discovered an incident in the email-sending’s from CCQ. You do get the email-notifications but if it contains a link to a specific document – it does not work. We are working on a fix, and we aim to fix it during the day. Meanwhile you can always sign in and open the document within the system. We apologize the inconvenient it might occur.
05.02.2024 Nonconformity regarding display pdf in published document is categorized as critical. Developers is working on a fix and will be deployed as hotfix, planned 06.02.2024, refference to ticket ZCCQ-290
Froala is acting strange, sticky bar is not working and dissappears. | Reffering issue in progress ZCCQ-2455
Log in | Request new password was reported as bug after release. Hotfix will be published 04.01.2023
05.10.2022 Internal system error when importing csv. file | status: roth cause found – fix will be developed but no Hotfix is needed. Client is informed and problem solved in a short term matters | issue ZCCQ-2317 is registered for future release
04.10.2022 Internal system error when importing csv. file | status: analyzing | issue ZCCQ-2317 registered
Quality Manual
12.10.2022 | Problems with attachements in Edge browser.
03.10.2022 | Reference to an unpublished document is showing as it has been published.. Classified as critical. Reference to devolpment issue ZCCQ-2300. Issue is in stage fixed and deployed.
27.09.2022 | Reference to an unpublished document is showing as it has been published.. Classified as critical. Reference to devolpment issue ZCCQ-2300. Issue is in stage development completed, testing completed. Issue will be a part of version 10, aiming to be published Monday 03.10.2022.
23.09.2022 | Reference to an unpublished document is showing as it has been published.. Classified as critical. Reference to devolpment issue ZCCQ-2300. Issue is in stage development completed, testing in progress. Issue will be a part of version 10, aiming to be published in next week.
22.09.2022 | Reference to an unpublished document is showing as it has been published.. Classified as critical. Reference to devolpment issue ZCCQ-2300. Issue is in stage Analyzing by the team. Issue will be a part of version 10, aiming to be published in next week.
12.09.2022 Broken link for reference to document. Work arround before fix: right click and open in new tab. Problem will be fixed in 2022:10 (next release)
25.08.2022 | Track Changes is not working properly | Analyzing
25.08.2022 | You are not able to save an incident, if you are adding a new attachment on an existing incident | Will be fixed in 2022:09 expected deploy 02.09.2022
23.08.2022 | You are not able to save Quality Document if ISO standard is added | fixed but waiting hotfix deploy. Hotfix is deployed 24.08.2022
15.06.22 | Paging in workbook is not working properly | backlogg | 2022:08
14.06.22 | Embedded or linked video is not visible in Published document | ready to test | 2022:08
06.05.22 | Adding users via SSO group for confirm reading does not update documents | solved | 2022:06
30.03.2022 | List of confirm reading is missing | solved | 2022:05
Incident & Complaints
21.09.21 | Filter bug | solved | 2021:05
11.08.21 | Access is not being updated in an incident | solved | 2021:04
23.05.22 | Flow in Audit is not user-friendly | ready to test | 2022:08
Competency Management
16.06.22 | Supervisior do not see all employees | selected for development | 2022:09
23.03.22 | The new role access is lost in login if using SSO | solved | 2022:05
Asset Management
07.07.2022 | Due date for calibration is not clear
Risk Management
The items mentioned on the page are subject to change or delay.
Current release: 2024:03
In development – 2024:04 expected release October 17 2024
In development is also new design and improvement for Audits, expected launch in October / November
ZCCQ-2440 https is not used in the link in the email from change suggestion
Some firewalls blocks emails from CCQ. This improvement will eliminate this issue.
ZCCQ-2751 Be able to have sub-department field
An extra option for those who has a very large or complex organisation.
ZCCQ-3051 New settings: be able to disable doc number in metadata
ZCCQ-3057 Bulk change for visibility
ZCCQ-3065 Option to open published document in new tab
ZCCQ-3120 Print out QM
New design for printouts
ZCCQ-3210 Save, Discard, Close
Improved design for better user experience
ZCCQ-3217 Be able to select type size in settings